AIF-UN Bay Area Summit
Dialogue with Change Agents--Implementing the Millennium Development Goals in India
Pre-event registration is now closed. Day-of-event registrations will be accepted at the door.
Friday, September 23, 2005
San Jose Convention Center Preliminary Agenda
8.00 a.m. On-Site Registration
9:00 a.m. Welcome Address Lata Krishnan, President, American India Foundation Victor Menezes, Co-Chair, American India Foundation
Opening Keynote
9.30 a.m.
Title: Welcome to the Participation Age Jonathan Schwartz, President & Chief Operating Officer, Sun Microsystems The Participation Age is the next step in human development, characterized by the dramatic acceleration of worldwide social, economic and cultural progress. This acceleration results from a massively connected global society that is turning the rising number and quality of community and individual interactions into action and growth. Jonathan Schwartz, President and COO of network computer giant Sun Microsystems, will discuss the role of technology and business in the future advancements of societies worldwide.
Education Panel Universalization of Elementary Education
10:15 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.
Session Description India's constitution mandates that all children will have the right to free elementary education. This implies that all children will not only have an opportunity to access a school but to also learn. However, millions of Indian children continue to be left out of the education process. Prominent thought leaders from India and the US will exchange views and experiences on how this mandate can be fulfilled by addressing such issues as the education of migrant children and computer-aided education for underprivileged high school children
Panel chair: Kamran Elahian, Chairman & Co-Founder, Global Catalyst Partners
Pravin Mahajan: Janarth (a non-profit that operates temporary schools for children of migrant workers)
Yogendra Singh: Bodh Shiksha Samiti (a non-profit dedicated to quality education for urban deprived children)
John Wood: Room to Read, (a US-based non-profit committed to provide under-privileged children with an opportunity to gain the lifelong gift of education.
AIF D.E. teacher (India)
Featuring AIF 11.30 a.m 12.00 p.m. Overview of AIF Programs Lunch
Livelihood Panel - Towards Sustainable Livelihoods: Microcredit and Beyond
1.00 p.m.. - 2.30 p.m.
Session Description Interventions that impact the livelihoods of the poor in a sustainable way must integrate skills, credit, enterprise and social mobilization. Additionally, empowering women socially, economically and politically is key to overcoming the skewed distribution of family resources that disadvantages women and girl children. In this session, civil society leaders from India and the US will share the opportunities, challenges and approaches based on their experience.
Panel Chair: Vijay Mahajan, Managing Director and CEO, BASIX India
Soloman JP: Founder-Director, Maya Organic (a livelihood development organization targeting the working poor within a systems perspective)
Vikram Akula: McKinsey & Co., Founder & CEO, Swayam Krishi Sangam)
V. Vivekanandan: Chief Executive, SIFFS (South Indian Federation of Fishermen Societies is a NGO working in the marine fisheries sector; an apex body of organizations of small-scale artisanal fish workers)
Mathew Titus: Executive Director, Sa-dhan (an association of community development finance institutions), AIF Livelihood Advisor
2.30 p.m. 2.45 p.m. Break
Health Panel Global Health Concerns: The Challenge of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic
2.45 p.m.. - 4.15 p.m.
Session Description The global AIDS epidemic is one of the greatest challenges facing the world. India is at a critical juncture in its fight against AIDS. Already, India has one in eight people living with HIV in the world, resulting in the second largest population of people with HIV/AIDS. Urgent action to prevent the spread of HIV through awareness and treatment can reduce the threat posed by HIV/AIDS. This panel will bring together leading international experts who are alleviating the HIV/AIDS epidemic in India to discuss the importance of continued focus and commitment to reduce this epidemics burden.
Anjali Gopalan: Executive Director - Naz Foundation (India) Trust ( a non-profit organization based in India, committed to raising awareness to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing support to those affected by it.)
Dr. Vijay Yeldandi: Director, Clinical Research - Metro Infectious Disease Foundation, Illinois & Chairman of HIV/AIDS program for AAPI American Association of Physicians of Indian origin.
Mallika Dutt: Executive Director Breakthrough: Building Human Rights Culture (an international human rights organization that uses images from popular culture to challenge stereotypical or negative representations of gender roles and sexuality, with a particular emphasis on reducing women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS)
Ashok Rau: Founder, Freedom Foundation (A Bangalore-based rehabilitation & restoration organization for HIV/AIDS patients)
Closing Keynote Address 4.15 p.m. 5.00 p.m. Topic (TBA) C.K. Prahalad, Renowned Business Management Expert
Closing Remarks